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CMS-XML Dim2009R2: Web Client Reports: Server 500 error when running a Request report and only one Request type has been defined
Dimensions CM 2009 R2.02
CMS-XML Dim12: Upgrading to Dimensions CM 12.2 will prompt for Oracle system password when server components only is selected
Even when the user attempts to upgrade server components only (and thus not the database schema), the upgrade installer will prompt for and require the correct Oracle system password. If it is not provided the installation will fail.
CMS-XML Dim CM 12.2.2: Adding large request attachments is very slow
Similar tests in Support took about 20 minutes but this is still a long time. SDP trace of the operation showed the file being transfered from client to server very quickly, within a minute. Then nothing occurred in the log for 15 minutes until it started to update the database.
CMS-XML Dim CM 12.2 - z/OS deployment somewhat slow
There is a deployment area attached for the Java code (with a filter), and a z/OS deployment area for the z/OS items (again with a filter). When these deployment areas are attached to the project and populated, the Java area gets populated on a decentralised server in around one-and-a-half hours, which is quite good. However, the z/OS area takes around nine hours to finish, and this is for not even half the items.
CMS-XML Dim CM 12.2: Mainframe Build - Fetching from web client to tertiary MVS node gives bogus messages
2) Choose a project (e. g. ACCTS:ACCTS) and use the web client to fetch all files; 3) The files are transferred successfully, but the messages generated are not informative. The server command run is: -
CMS-XML Dim CM 12.2 - Incorrect variable reference in DB2 template expansion running Build
MDHBLD4208122E Failing step is 1 MDHBLD4208239I Processing rc: 8; Highest Significant Subtask Rc: 0 MDHBLD4208240I Of the 1 tasks requested; 0 succeeded, 1 failed, and 0 were skipped, and 0 were omitted (by optimisation)
CMS-XML DimCM: SSO: How to create standalone SSO certificates for Dimensions CM and establish a trust with the SSO Server
Running the above command will produce output concerning the certificate, and the "Validity" section of the output will begin with ("Not Before") and end ("Not After") dates of the certificate are shown. 3. Generating A New Certificate
CMS-XML ALM web services failing to function in orchestrations after a promotion
The ALM web services (VaultService, DVMUtilService, and ReleaseRequestService for example) don't work if the process app is promoted from one environment to another because the Composer does not update the correct endpoint and the web service call ends up going to the wrong server . This is because the SOAP 1.1 endpoint was not selected for the port when the WSDLs were imported into the process apps.
CMS-XML Orch can build wrong web service request when run concurrently with itself
If an orch workflow calls a sequence of operations on a particular web service and multiple instances of that orch workflow run concurently then it is possible and perhaps likely that the orchestration will occasionally build and send the wrong content for one or more of its web service requests. The request operation will be correctly set but the message content will be missing expected values.
CMS-XML Servers with Orchestration Engine installed but no Mashup Manager installed get FATAL errors when jboss started
jboss instances running the orchestration engines we get a FATAL error each time jboss is started. This only occurs when there is no mashup manager installed on this jboss instance.
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