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When deploying/updating a z/os load, a warning message issueing from link-edit makes the deploy/update to fail
MDHNCL4501193E Error: failure closing file pds2(load1)/.$merant:$mvs./ ... Please use the AUDIT command to verify contents of all areas associated with stage ... This problem occurs also when doing an UI command to upload z/os load in Dimensions : UI "SIC:.A-EXE" /FILENAME="load.LOAD" /USER_FILENAME="::()"
Dim CM: File names starting with @ get renamed by FI commands generated by Release.
The FI command generated by Get in Desktop Client and the FI command generated by Release should be the same i.e. the @ should be escaped with another @ (this is the default escape character used by Dimensions). The problem is that the FI command generated by Release doesn't have the @ escaped so the files on disk are named incorrectly.
AppendTextFile() command fails with file sharing error
AppendTextFile() command fails with file sharing error
General: Create large files quickly for testing purposes
Windows: There is a command called Fsuitl that can be used to achieve this. To create a 12000 byte file called file.out, use this command from the command line:
Inconsistent behavior with DM Update command vs Desktop Client
When user tries to update a work area from a stream, using DM Update command , the behavior is inconsistent with Desktop Client. User is able to update work area using a request related to an older revision of a workfile; the work file is updated successfully with this older revision. When trying to do same via Desktop client it returns a message that there were no differences.
Orchestration renew utility "clear" command fails to connect to database
The orchestration renew utility "clear" command will get errors of "Cannot connect to database" and "Can't fix hibernate cfg file " if the server it is being run on does not have web access or has to connect to the web through a password-protected proxy.
DM DIFF utility pulls files down to work area
When dm diff is run to compare a stream against a local directory, it pulls down missing files when it should not.If files that are in the stream are missing from the local area we are comparing against, dm diff will pull the files down from the repository.This is unintended behavior from a diff tool or command .
Dim CM 2009R2: Metadata IO error on UI command for unchanged items
If you attempt to perform a Revise Item (UI) operation, where the Item Type has option 8 set (Check in only changed revisions), and the /KEEP option is used, the following error occurs,: Warning: No update was necessary because the file was unchanged
Dim12.2: Set dbio_trace on command does not work when the username contains a domain specification
Run the command set dbio_trace on No logs are generated even though the same procedure will generate a log file when one logs into Dimensions with a user ID that does not contain a forward slash 2. What are the steps to reproduce the problem?
Dim CM 12.2: GREP command requires redundant /PRODUCT switch
MDHCOR7700246E You do not have the "Update Files from Project/Stream" (PROJECT_DOWNLOAD) privilege to perform this operation