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Support Platform Matrix for Serena Products
The Supported Platform Matrix outlines the supported client-side and server-side information, including supported operating systems, browser, third party plugins, Serena product integrations, character sets, and upgrade paths.
Mainframe Connector Extensions: Mainframe Configuration for accessing ChangeMan ZMF from SBM
Configuring the Notification URL You must give ChangeMan ZMF a way to tell SBM when ChangeMan ZMF has completed a requested task. To do this, configure the notification URL parameter for the SERNET started task on z/OS .
RLM HTTP Server Overview:
The RLM HTTP Server is a Java based solution that provides ZMF and Z/OS services to RLM clients. It is distributed as 5 war files and may be installed and configured on any Java Servlet Container such as Tomcat or WebSphere. The 5 Servlet names and a general description are listed below:
RLC: When attaching a ZMF Change Package as a Release Package Deployment Unit, Application says "Loading..."
Release Control uses the Mainframe connector to communicate between the distributed and mainframe operating systems . Verify that the Tomcat instance that is hosting the Mainframe Connector is running.
ZMF Promotion Deployment Tasks incorrectly being marked as COMPLETE
The problem was reported against RLC 6.2.1 and has been recreated on RLC 6. 2.5 . The problem affects ZMF local (e.g. skel CMN$$PRM) and remote (CMN$$RPM) promotion models and any solution must cater for both.
RLC: If you want to use configuration overrides of ZMF environment names that include a $, you need this workaround
Original: builtString = builtString.replace(new RegExp("\\{" + i + "[,a- z ]*\\}", "g"), replaceable);
SBM/RLC is running out of disk space, running out of memory, becomes slow and must be restarted several times a day, ZMF tasks are getting "stuck" at In Progress
<header> <subsys> Z </subsys> <test> </test>
ZMF proxy ID requires OMVS segment to work properly
ZMF proxy ID requires OMVS segment to work properly
RLC: Using a ZMF Complex Package in Release Control
RLC: Using a ZMF Complex Package in Release Control
Microsoft Word - ZMF ALF Event Filters for RLM.docx