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CMS-XML Error "unknown Oracle major version [12]" in server.log on Tomcat start up
This can be ignored and has no adverse affect
CMS-XML jboss server.log contains a lot of errors like - Alias name jboss does not identify a key entry on startup
at org.apache.catalina.connector.Connector.start( at org.jboss.web. tomcat .tc5. Tomcat 5.startConnectors( Tomcat at org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.Tomcat5.handleNotification(
CMS-XML How to install two versions of Serena Common Tomcat on the same server
Verify that both services stop and start independently without impacting each other. NOTE: If Tomcat 6 will not start , see “ Tomcat 6 Service Fails to Start ” at the end of this document.
CMS-XML Configurator sets JBoss/Tomcat service to automatic startup type when Apply is clicked
Configurator sets JBoss/ Tomcat service to automatic startup type when Apply is clicked
CMS-XML RLC.log gives error: liquibase.exception.LockException: Could not acquire change log lock. (Liquibase FAQ)
Every time JBoss/ Tomcat starts running, it load all of its applications, and RLC is one of those applications. When RLC loads, it creates the liquibase lock, checks to see if the RLC database schema needs to be upgraded, upgrades the schema if needed, and releases the lock. When there is no database upgrade, you will see lines like this:
CMS-XML RLC: Troubleshooting the RLC to ZMF integration (Turning on ZMF trace logging)
Step 3: ZMF Connector communicates with ZMF. If the connector cannot reach ZMF, those errors will also be in serenatomcat-stderr.log or serenatomcat-stdout.log (by default located at C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\ tomcat \8.0\logs) Step 4: ZMF will run the job
CMS-XML Server.log error "Failed to obtain DB connection" and "Connection refused" and "Could not retrieve datasource" and "Destroying connection that could not be successfully matched" and "Connection error occurred" and "Destroying connection that is not valid"
are below. The first set of logs are from SBM 11 using Tomcat . The second set of logs are from SBM using JBoss.
CMS-XML SBM logging doesn't work if RLC web application fails
"C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\SBM\Common\tomcat\server\default\webapps\rlc\WEB-INF\classes\rlc-liquibase-context.xml" 2. Start Tomcat ; 3. Run transition in item that triggers some asynchronous orchestration and check the following log file:
CMS-XML JBoss / Tomcat cluster setup is slow if one node is offline
Ideally, every recover_time (5 min) at least one user will suffer the hit testing the downed server. If it is still down, node will be marked in error state and other users will avoid it. Due to other bug in mod_jk, after the first 5 min, it will check once per minute (“maintain” time) thereafter (for at least one user).
CMS-XML Upgrading to ZMF 7.1.3: how to maintain the connection from ZMF to Release Manager 4.5
Start the Serena Common Tomcat service. This will cause the war files to be expanded into new folders.
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