The purpose of this document is to speed this process up. You can setup a trace file in Tracker which records all SQL statements performed within Tracker. To do this follow these steps to setup a trace file:
The Intersolv dBASE driver executes the SQL statements directly on dBASE compatible files. You do not need to own the dBASE product to access these files.
TRK: Error: SQL State=S1000 [MERANT][ODBC Sybase driver][SQL Server]The 'CREATE TABLE' command is not allowed within a multi- statement transaction in the 'projectname'> database.
not have a VCSDIR statement in it or the VCSDIR statement is too far down in the file. You may also get this if any of your specified directories do not exist. For a list of directories see doc# 1523.
The workstation had both MS Mail and cc:Mail installed on his machine. Both mail systems were in the workstation's path statement . The user configured Tracker and Notify to use cc:Mail by entering "system=VIM" into the TRKW300.INI.
The next character may vary, depending on where the character comes in. The problem is in the way that the SQL statement is built. Tracker uses the ' character for a text delimiter.
The SQL Statements below will correct the problem but the dates will still be incorrect on future conversions. I would caution anyone doing this to look in the
A temporary stored procedure is created when a SQL statement is prepared, and destroyed when that prepared statement is deallocated. A prepared statement can be deallocated either explicitly with a ct_dynamic (CS_DEALLOC) call or implicitly when a connection is closed . Creating dynamic SQL may cause cursor deallocation problems which can result in TEMPDB filling up.