1. Modify the pvcsuser.sql script. Replace the "project_name" string in every line of the script with the schema name (username) for the corresponding Tracker project.
I attempted to clear the procedure table, I found that he had Read and File Scan rights in the \DB directory. I pointed out that the users need full rights to the \ DB directory to use Tracker. or
In Serena License Manager (SLM) release 2.1.4, the FLEXlm core of SLM was upgraded from release 9.2 to 10.8. As a result, client libraries used in SLM 2.1.4-based product only wait 100ms for a response from the License Server if those clients only specify the name of the SLM server (and not port number as wel).
Word Perfect Office 4.0a mail is not MAPI or VIM compliant which is required to connect to Tracker. Customer may want to look into upgrading their WP Office to a higher version which is compliant.
Table Description trkassoc Contains one row for each module and revision associated with an SCR. This information is used to link Tracker with a version control repository.
Table Description trkassoc Contains one row for each module and revision associated with an issue. This information is used to link Tracker with a version control repository.
1) You must install the appropriate DB -Library and Net-Library installed to gain access to Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase SQL Server databases. Consult your DBA for the appropriate server and database settings. Contact your Microsoft SQL Server or Sybase SQL Server vendor to obtain the appropriate DB-Library and Net-Library.