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KM-Dim10: How to run DMCLI command on an alternate port without having to specify it on the command line.
-dbname intermediate - dsn rm9 Then alias dmcli to be:
KM-Dim10: Reported Defect DEF108979: Issue Fixed in Dimensions 10.1.1: ZOS- PBem is getting errors searching for templates because the dataset names are incorrect.
pbem filecache: couldn't open //'NDVR.DIM.WHS2.WDW.DVL.TEMPLATE(EXPARRAY error=EDC5047I An invalid file name was specified as a function note no ")" after EXPARRAY
Dim12.1: What does the new )LOGON parameter in the template language do?
<db> specifies the Dimensions CM database. < dsn > specifies the database connection string (data source name). ==
Dim10: What are the recommended settings for the Listener.dat file?
Specifies the Dimensions base database name and the ODBC data source name ( DSN ) to use when starting up the initial applications servers at the time of pool manager startup. Because this is the Oracle connection string used when starting the initial processes in the pool, it makes most sense to specify whichever Dimensions base database will be used most frequently by the Dimensions users.
DimCM: Listener.dat settings
-dsn Default cm_typical@dim12 Specifies the Dimensions CM base database name and the ODBC data source name ( DSN ) to use when starting up the initial applications servers at the time of pool manager startup. -min Default 5
DimCM: Listener.dat variable: How to prevent users from using an invalid basedatabasename or connection to the database.
* If both the - dsn and - dsn _whitelist is specified , then the initial dsn from the - dsn variable must be present in the - dsn _whitelist variable. For example: -dsn cm_typical@dim14
Using an Oracle instant client 19.x CM server installation.docx
Verify that you can connect to your remote Oracle instance using the sqlplus command, for example “sqlplus system/password@ dsn ”. In order to identify the version of the local Oracle (server or client), and the correct driver to use, the Dimensions CM installer searches for the following files in the specified Oracle home location:
DimCM: DMDBA: How to log into DMDBA
dmdba -ea dbo@ DSN ... Specify one of the following options: ... Specify one or more of the following logon parameters: ... @<SID or DSN > The data source name (Oracle SID or DSN ) identifying the database instance.
KM-Dim8: Merant Dimensions Service Pack for Windows
... user unless you specify the '- ... Specifying this option causes ... , do not specify connection parameters as ... specify the database using the DMDB environment symbol. ... UNIX: DMDB='dbname@ dsn ' dmcli 'Dimensions command' Windows: set DMDB=dbname@ dsn "Dimensions command" ... Connecting to a remote server is possible, but you must specify a password to ... where databaseSpecifier is set to <database>@< dsn > ... where databaseSpecifier is set to <database>@< dsn > ... DSN yumi ... DSN yumi ... results in a permission failure on the specified directory. ... to be specified as:
KM-Dim9: Serena ChangeMan Dimensions 9.1.2 Patch 8 for z/OS
copy them from your workstation to your MVS system, specify BINARY on ... //INF0 DD DISP=SHR, DSN =DMSYS.V9128.F0 ... // DSN =DMSYS.V9128.F0.CNTL, ... //INF1 DD DISP=SHR, DSN =DMSYS.V9128.F1 ... // DSN =DMSYS.V9128.F1.LOAD,