The page is being cut off at the bottom in the middle of the status comments control, and the controls below this are not visible. There should be a vertical scroll bar allowing the user to scroll to the bottom of the page to view the rest of the controls. He was editing a screens using peadmin.
4. In the Print dialog, select Font as 'Times-Roman' (or any other type) with size '8' and click 'Print' button. Result: The font size is correct for the investment names but the rest of the columns will use a different font type and size
5.Now go to Summary view of the investment and click the 'Milestones' tab. Expected Result: Milestone should show the plan date for 'Start' and 'Finish' task plans alone as rest of the mapped plans are deleted. Actual Result: Milestones for deleted task plans are still displayed under Summary->Milestones view.