There seems to be a sync issue taking place. If a user checks out a plan in MSP using the connector, the timestamp in Mariner does not accurately show the correct date of the action taking place. Example: I check out a plan today 08/04/09, in Mariner, the date shown in the task plan is 5/1/2009 (this date seems to never change).
When trying to check in this msproject plan with the msp connector you get unable to publish plan error and the file remains checked out . Defect reported against specific customer data but not able to reproduce at will.
2. Navigate to Reports view. 3. Make sure that root portfolio (or any child portfolio) is selected on the left pane (e.g SerenaCo Company in accelerator db) 4. Now select any datasheets (e.g Capacity analysis) available within the portfolio in the left pane.
Verify that the user is assigned to a group with a role that is given the correct permissions to create templates. Now login to Mariner as peadmin or another user with the administrator role. Right click on an existing investment and in the menu choose the "Manage Templates" option.