There is often a need to use Advanced Query to show listing or distribution reports than utilitise the SLA information: SQL SERVER Example: Items that violated their SLAs in the last 30 days by user To achieve this you can create a distribution report with the row by the necessary user field and using the Advanced SQL Conditions for SQL Server to filter similar to below:
When adding and SLA Clause (App Admin > Projects > any project > SLA ), parenthesis are not removed automatically. For example, when this condition is saved:
Error getting SLA data: Not Found and ERROR obtaining SLA Status from: http://localhost/ sla /slaServices/reportService/getSLAInfoForItem/1040/20?sdfServerURL=http://localhost
Calendar without timeranges may cause infinite loop in SLA engine - The SLA widget shows “No SLA status ” for these items - CPU high on Common Services server
Example of using the Advanced SQL Conditions on a listing report to give all items that a user owners that has a high risk SLA are shown. This example is based on the Service Request Process App delivered as part of SRC but can be changed according to your requirements.