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SBM users sometimes consumes the wrong license for users that have named licenses assigned to them
How to setup Dimensions CM, RM and other Serena products to utilize the SBM SSO using LDAP authentication model
If the user exists in the client requesting authentication, the user will be logged in, otherwise a login failure will occur. For example, if I go to the Dimensions CM website, I will be redirected to the SBM SSO Engine where my login can be authenticated via LDAP. Finally, I will be returned to the calling product (application) with an authenticated token where my username will be mapped to the product's internal user database; if the username does not exist, login will not be granted .
User completes interaction with SBM
User completes interaction with SBM Clicks X to close browser window? NO
Delays in getting an SLM license causing login lag for TeamTrack/SBM
Delays in getting an SLM license causing login lag for TeamTrack/ SBM
Launching SBM System Administrator or SBM Login Screen give error "InitExtension Failed" "License Server XXXX could not be contacted"
Launching SBM System Administrator or SBM Login Screen give error "InitExtension Failed" "License Server XXXX could not be contacted"
SBM Seat and Content licenses show as Concurrent licenses in SLM
SBM Seat and Content licenses show as Concurrent licenses in SLM
When does SBM return named and concurrent licenses? How long is an SBM license in use before it is released back into the license pool?
When does SBM return named and concurrent licenses? How long is an SBM license in use before it is released back into the license pool?
SLM (Serena License Manager): No features to serve, exiting. Exiting due to SIGNAL 27 Exit Reason 4
When starting the license manager an error occurred causing connections to Dimensions CM to fail. The message in the license log file was:
How to enable SLM client logging?
Perform the following actions on the machine that is communicating with the SLM server (e.g. SBM server, CM server, RM server, PVCS VM server or client): Windows: Do one of the following:
Serena License Manager 2.1.5 (SLM 2.1.5)
Serena License Manager now supports native x86 64bit Windows servers and clients. 1.2 (DEF193988) SBM named license checkout may result in unnecessary calls to SLM server (client-side fix, included with SBM as of release 2009 R4 and newer) When SBM detects a named legacy user license ("Tracker", stand-alone or as part of "Professional", and "TrackerInet" ) it requests the license with the "_named" portion added to the feature.