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CMS-XML Email submits ending up in wrong project
Email submits ending up in wrong project
CMS-XML Error thrown when my projects includes project with disabled submit
CMS-XML After submission to preferred project is cancelled, submission of new item cause error.
Error occurs in the following scenario. 1. Click " Submit to my Preferred Projects " 2. Select a project and submit an item 3. Delete the item 4. Click " Submit to my Preferred Projects " and select the same project 5. Cancel the submission 6. Observe that error message is displayed in browser (screenshot attached). No error is output to Windows event log.
CMS-XML After submission to preferred project is cancelled, submission of new item cause error.
Click "Submit to my Preferred Projects" Select a project and submit an item Delete the item
CMS-XML Cannot submit items into project(sp_cursor: The value of the parameter 'value' )
After adding some more fields in Primary table, users can not submit any item into SBM User can see following error . ------------------------------------------------------
CMS-XML Submit form is presented when only one project exists
Normally, if a user has privileges to submit into only one project for any given application the submit tree is not presented. If you click on the the submit link from the Task Page how ever the project tree in mistakenly presented
CMS-XML In Work Center unable to search and find certain Projects to submit into.
Currently there is nothing stopping you in composer from setting as many submit transitions as you want with the check box on the Options tab that says "Default submit transition". There is a validation warning that comes up that says you have multiple and you should fix one but the better solution would be to make the check box grey if there already is one and the hover text displays the workflow name and transition name where the check box is already set.
CMS-XML Project Proposal/ IE8: Black page when submitting items.
2. Black page is issued - hit OK and the following message is displayed: We're sorry, but the last operation caused an error . The last operation resulted in an error, but the following unrecognized error code was received:
CMS-XML When re-pointing a project from one workflow to another field sections may inherit incorrectly
CMS-XML Certain Trend Reports with too many Projects throws a SQL error
Attempting to create a "State Activity" or "Open and Closed" Trend Report when you have a large number of Projects AND using the Group By option on the report can cause the report to fail with a SQL error . The SQL error be similar to :
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