If you have field set as searchable e.g. selection, relational, user and hit the " find " then if the results exceed the configured allowable amount you have usability issues to get this set back to none. Details below: (1) On a transition do a Find against the field and you get "more than 250 matches".
No Service Catalogs Found Installation of SOO 4.0 works - promotion completes successfully, yet this message persists Restart of JBoss creates the appropriate tables, but no contents are in them.
When using the Advanced search feature it allows the user to select values that are not available as a dependent value. This system then allows the transition to complete with incorrect values.
If you install SBM and then SOO and then promote the snapshots per the documentation then all the promotes are marked as status complete but all have the following info message in the activity log: Deploying to server "Work Center Server" at 13/01/14 10:20. Failed to complete the deployment to server "Work Center Server" at 13/01/14 10:20.
When promoting a Process App that has a report created with a with a search filter on a sub- relational field the search value may be changed to none after the promotion to the new environment is complete
The complete warning messages from the Event Viewer Application Log is: NOTIFICATION_NAME: (notification) context - Unable to read item with id xx from database. And:
Relational field pointing to an aux / primary table. If you click Find without putting any search criteria in and if any of the items that would be returned to the relational field have a double quote " in the Value Display Format then you will get a message that says " Searching " and the search will never finish . If you try to push the Find button again you might get a message that says "Currently processing previous request, please wait until the request completes".