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CMS-XML Error when starting the Application Engine: Unable to initialize ALF SSO library: 'Error while creating JVM: 'Not enough memory to load JVM''
Error (1) occurs because there is not enough memory left in the OS to load the JVM. Error (2) has also been known to sometimes occur for the same reason.
CMS-XML Failed to load JNIBridge
Following error may be received when trying to load the user workspace after installing SBM 2009 R4 or R4.01: "InitExtension Failed: Unable to initialize ALF SSO library : 'Failed to load JNIBridge configuration file='C:\Program Files\Serena\SBM\Application Engine\alfssojavabridge\javabridge_config.xml''
CMS-XML Problem to deploy the latest Process apps after the upgrade
This means that the class loading conflict has appeared while loading the CL code between the following libraries : Tomcat 7.0\server\default\lib\common-logger-11.0.jar Tomcat 7.0\server\default\webapps\eventmanager\WEB-INF\lib\common-logger-11.0.jar
CMS-XML Open from repository in Composer slow to load list of process apps
Open from repository in Composer slow to load list of process apps
CMS-XML Latest Version of Firefox does not load the Application Repository - Message: SBM Application Repository does not support the browser (version) you are currently using. Please try one of the browsers listed below:
Latest Version of Firefox does not load the Application Repository - Message: SBM Application Repository does not support the browser (version) you are currently using. Please try one of the browsers listed below:
CMS-XML If your listing report has first column as owner and HTML5 on then if you select the link it just shows loading and does not respond. With HTML5 off it takes you to email the owner but your are unable to open the item.
This behaves in two odd ways: (1) HTML5 on - stuck loading when you select the owner (2) HTML5 off - takes you to email the owner and you cannot select the item
CMS-XML Knowledge Management Templates fail to load
After creating templates used for Knowledge Management, the load template option may fail to list the created templates. This can occur if the KM Template search report was created via a deployment rather than a promotion or if the KM Template search report is created manually.
CMS-XML Loading symbol persists when an embedded report is drilled down
An embedded listing report has been created via AppScript. On Submit, AppScript creates the report URL which is then rendered within an iFrame in a HTML enabled text field.
CMS-XML Composer reports 'Load attempt failed' for report without any columns
1) Create new process app with application 2) Add new listing report to the process app 3) Delete all columns from the report (there will be Item Id and Title columns by default)
CMS-XML Why does checking 'Show project item identifier' option lists the project twice?
Selecting the option to 'Show project item identifier' shows the project name and the application name. For example, the project name is 'Duplicate SBM' and the application name is also 'Duplicate SBM'. Selecting the option will have the form load with the following: 'Duplicate SBM Project Duplicate SBM'
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