When the user tried to query the list of requests and all attributes using "PCMS_CHDOC_DATA", there are an error occurs. " ORA -01843: not a valid month" If the user defined attributes that the format is DATE type and has no value(null), the view query will gives error while convert it's date format using "to_date" function.
However, the installer checks do not appear to recognise if an existing 10.2.0.x Instant Client is installed. The installer therefore has a defect in its check routine which needs to be addressed, as it should not be necessary to have two Oracle 10.2.0.x clients installed. The message the installer shows is:
Currently the only work around for this issue is to customize your views and remove project from your Requests view. A defect report, DEF185613, has been created and forwarded to our Development team for correction.
The datasource stored in common-eventlog-10.1-SNAPSHOT.jar\hibernate.el.cfg.xml is "CommonLoggerDS" This fix allows the CL database to be created and updated separately from the OE database on Oracle. This bug was preventing the OE and CL datadabses to be installed separately when users with no "any" privileges are used to create the various separate databases.