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SRA: SSO with NT Challenge Response prevents logout from SRA
SRA has been set up to connect using SSO where NT challenge response is being used for authentication. The problem is that logging out of SRA doesn't actually logout but puts the user back at the Home screen.
DA: After upgrade to DA 6.3.3 we cannot see options for Execution or Deployment History Cleanup
5) If it is not already checked, check the box next to "Clean Execution History", then click Save 6) Repeat steps 3 through 5 for Environments and "Web UI". 7) Log out of DA.
SDA: java.lang.Exception: [SDA] Failed to upload files - when using Jenkins HPI
When you attempt to upload files into SDA from Jenkins using the latest Jenkins HPI the following problem occurs C:\Jenkins\workspace\Serena> exit 0 [SDA] Artifacts upload is enabled.
DA: Are there any logs of when a user last logged in to DA?
0 – Login success 1 – logout 2 – login failure
SDA 6.1.2 plugin errors for check if (Component, Application or Environment ) exists steps
The output properties should have Status, logPath, LOI, exit Code and exit results. With the default plugins you only receive a exception.
DA 6.1.5 Cannot Oracle install published views
SP2-0044: For a list of known commands enter HELP and to leave enter EXIT . SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "glEnv.name..." - rest of line ignored.
Using JVisualVM to monitor utilization (on Windows server)
Click “Apply” and “OK” to save and exit . f. Use Services to restart the Micro Focus Common Tomcat service. 3) After Tomcat has started, use a command prompt, running as Administrator to connect to the JRE with jvisualvm.
Serena Deployment Automation Bamboo Plugin Tutorial
SDA BambooPlugin Tutorial Page 8 • Click the Save icon followed by the Exit icon Step 5: Run the process and review the results
SDA: silent SDA Agent install on AIX leaves the "/opt/serena/DeployAutomationAgent/core" folder empty
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit .
SDA: Post Processing Script Quick Start Tutorial
Step 5: Run the process and view the output properties Exit the process designer by click in the X icon In the top right corner click the Run button, select an agent and click Next On the next screen click Submit Wait till the process completes, and click the output icon Output similar to the following should appear, notice the Windows version and free output are both highlighted