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How To: Import SSL certificates into the Java keystore used by DA Agent
Identify and collect the missing certificates If you received an error about being unable to determine the certificate certification path, the correct certificates have not been imported into the Java trust store. The following steps can be used to determine the SSL certificate (s) being used and to export it for subsequent import into the Java certificate trust store.
DA: Importing SSL Certificates on DA Agent
DA: Importing SSL Certificates on DA Agent
Web Browser complains the SSL certificate has expired, even though the expiration date is in the future.
Web Browser complains the SSL certificate has expired, even though the expiration date is in the future.
Integrating SDA with third party tools that use SSL.docx
When integrating with third party tools that have been configured to use SSL/HTTPS, it is imperative that the SDA server can verify the trusted status of the SSL certificate. Examples of such third party tools includes artefact repositories (Nexus/Artefactory), or source control tools. Successful integration can be carried out by putting all certificate authority (CA) public keys in the certificate signing chain in the trusted certificate store.
CM/SDA/SRA/SDA/RLM: Error "SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token. Validation of WS-Federation token failed with code 40:Token issuer not allowed"
If when attempting to log on to a Serena product using single sign-on (SSO), such as the Serena ALM Configurator or the Serena Deployment Automation user interface, you receive the following error, you must update your SSO STS certificates . ALF SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token. Detail
Serena Deployment Automation Guide
Enter your user name and password to access Deployment Automation. If when attempting to sign on after configuring the gatekeeper information, you receive the following error, you will need to update your SSO STS certificates . ALF SSO Gatekeeper error has occurred: Error obtaining security token.
How to Move DA Server to new Hardware and Optionally Upgrade to a new Release
9) The first time Tomcat and DA successfully start and connect to the database, DA will upgrade the schema. 10) If your old server had any certificates loaded for access to a secure LDAP server, or component sources (such as MAVEN or NEXUS, etc.), you will need to load those certificates into the JRE certificates database on the new machine. 11) If your old server was configured for SSO, you may have to locate the pages in the documentation and complete the SSO configuration for the new server.
SDA: Configuring Unauthenticated Mode for HTTP Communications
In unauthenticated mode, communication is encrypted but users do not have to authenticate or verify their credentials . Deployment Automation automatically uses this mode for JMS-based server/agent communication (you cannot turn this off). SSL unauthenticated mode can also be used for HTTP communication.
SDA: EC2 Plugin not working with aws-java-sdk 1.9.2
Caught: com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException: Status Code: 401, AWS Service: AmazonEC2, AWS Request ID: cdb237e1-b100-49c1-95ca-995afe472d9b, AWS Error Code: AuthFailure, AWS Error Message: AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials
If the password for user impersonation causes a syntax error, the step fails and the password may not be obscured in the output log
When specifying credentials for user impersonation, ensure that you first test on a isolated test environment and fix any syntax errors before using this in a process on a live environment.