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Dashboard: When using url of :8080/dashboard/login, SSO fails.
When using the normal url of :8080/dashboard/ login for SSO authentication, the SSO Login page is presented for the username and password but once passed an error of: "ERROR: Invalid name or password" occurs on the dashboard login screen.
Dashboard login screen will open, but no users are able to login
Dashboard login screen will open, but no users are able to login
Dashboard opens but all graphs give error 404 Cannot display the webpage (in IE) and Unable to connect (in Firefox)
Dashboard opens but all graphs give error 404 Cannot display the webpage (in IE) and Unable to connect (in Firefox)
Product Lifecycle and Platform Matrix
The Product Lifecycle page lists each product release, its status and the end of support date. Start at the Product Lifecycle page. Search for you product in the dropdown list.
Groups and Users unassigned from projects when upgrading
This problem can be resolved by setting the following values on the Global Entities page of the Promote Wizard Groups : None
Dashboard does not open at all, login screen does not draw
Cannot display the webpage Can't establish a connection to the server Unable to connect
Error Promoting Global Process Apps when Upgrading
This problem can be resolved by setting the following values on the Global Entities page of the Promote Wizard. Groups : None
'Please Contact Your Administrator' Message Appears on Forms
keeps appearing on various forms, it is likely that a report that is being used in an embedded report widget is missing. This will cause the error to appear, and not cleared for a period of time, thus appearing on other pages .
DASHBOARD: All reports return a 404 error
Restart the Serena Tomcat service Login to Dashboard with Firefox and see if the sample reports render.
Login screen does not open and the Dashboard shows error "File Not Found"
If Tomcat is listening on port 8080, you will get a screen saying "Serena Common Tools. The default main web page of the Serena Common Tools." If Tomcat is not running on port 8080, you can verify which port is being used by checkin the <connector port="xxx"> section of the server.xml