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z/OS 2.5 Compatibility with ChangeMan ZMF, ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack, ChangeMan SSM, Comparex, StarTool FDM and StarTool IOO
To install the hotfix: 1. Download the file named 'ZMF8.2.5.031.zip' that is attached to this KB article. 2. Unzip the downloaded file.
Compatibility of ChangeMan ZMF and Comparex with z/OS 2.3
Micro Focus is pleased to inform you of the upcoming availability of Serena® ChangeMan ® ZMF 8.1.4 and Comparex® 8.8.1. ChangeMan ZMF 8.1.4 and Comparex 8.8.1 are maintenance releases that include product updates and customer requested enhancements. Both product releases
Licensing implications of z15 System Recovery Boost feature on ChangeMan ZMF, ChangeMan SSM, Comparex, StarTool FDM, and StarTool IOO
a) If it becomes necessary to switch ZMF to run on another LPAR as a result of any problem, this should be treated as any standard disaster recovery (DR) situation. If a new license is required to run on your DR machine or LPAR, please telephone Micro Focus Support who will treat the incident as a Severity 1 issue and work to provide a license that will address the immediate problem.
Effect of IBM’s removal of support for user key common areas on ChangeMan ZMF/SSM, StarTool FDM/IOO and Comparex
Effect of IBM’s removal of support for user key common areas on ChangeMan ZMF /SSM, StarTool FDM/IOO and Comparex
Effect of IBM APAR OA54807/PTF UA96477 on ChangeMan ZMF/SSM, StarTool FDM/DA/IOO and Comparex
Effect of IBM APAR OA54807/PTF UA96477 on ChangeMan ZMF /SSM, StarTool FDM/DA/IOO and Comparex
SERCMPAR missing changes in cobol programs
Customer is running a COMPARE in ZMF 5.5.3 against a COBOL program. The compare was run with a TEXT TYPE of '.' and also 'COBOL' with same results. Running with a TEXT TYPE of 'JCL' seems to produce correct results but, should not be required...this is a COBOL program.
SERCMPAR displays x'B5' as x'A3'
When running a VC against a component to compare two versions in ZMF , SERCMPAR is loaded and if a character has a HEX value of x'B5' it gets translated as x'A3'.
SERCMPAR intermittently displays '\' as '.'
SERCMPAR not displaying special characters correctly using regional code page
They recently changed the code page of the generated C from the standard 1047 to their local 277 (Danish). When the code is loaded into ZMF and edited under the ISPF interface everything displays OK. However, when SERCMPAR is invoked for comparison purposes (i.e. from either a VC compare or as part of the standard compare run after the edit of a component) many of the C special characters (e.g. curly and square parentheses) are displayed as dots/periods/
IBM Unicode Services Red Alert (APAR OA48941) and Serena Software Mainframe Products
(If this link does not work for any reason simply search for APAR OA48941 on the IBM Support website.) The following Serena Software mainframe products make use of these Unicode Services and will also be affected by this issue once host systems are IPL’d on or after December 15th 2015: - the ChangeMan ZMF Client Pack , including both the ChangeMan ZDD and ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse ( ZMF 4ECL) products.