If the Collage server is limited on disk space or the Collage log (Windows: <collage_install>\ servlet \WEB-INF\collage.log, Unix: <collage_install>/collage/servlet/cmlog.txt) is just getting too big, the size of this log can be limited.
This error occurs when the following files aren't in the servlet /WEB-INF/lib directory in the Collage install. If you put these files in that directory after the fact you need to restart Collage before they will work.
Adding the following line to the <Collage Install Folder>\ servlet \WEB-INF\nas.properties file and then restarting Collage will force all users to enter a password to login: NASServlet.AllowBlankPasswords=false NOTE:
To turn on the additional troubleshooting options: Modify the <Collage_Install>\ servlet \WEB-INF\nas.properties file. Add the following line to this file:
Follow these instructions to change the FTP port: Add the following line to the <Collage_install_directory>\ servlet \web-inf\nas.properties file: NASServlet.FTPport=<port>
This will occur if there is a copy of the bui.app folder in the following location. <Collage install directory>\ servlet \ext\bui.app By default this is located here.
The following settings can be added to the nas.properties file in order to configure the Collage FTP tool. The nas.properties file is located in the <Collage install directory>\ servlet \WEB-INF folder. After these settings have been altered the Collage application needs to be restarted before the settings take affect.