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MCLG: Collage Dreamweaver Component Patch
The AssetQuery, Select and Navbar components have all been fixed to now allow single quotes inside the code without truncating the rest of the code on the page. This patch also fixes known issues with the Collage Dreamweaver components returning javascript errors when using Dreamweaver MX.
MCLG: Navbar code for CCS that will highlight the current asset.
This document gives sample javascript code that puts the results of an Asset Query into an array and then displays each item. The current asset is displayed as bold and the rest are displayed normal. This can be used as a navigation tree for Content Contribution pages. The
MCLG: Would like to show 5 records from an asset query with a link to view more records if more than 5 are available.
For instance you may only want to show the 5 newest press releases on your home page but if more than 5 exist then only show a link to the rest of them. You may only want to show that link though if more than 5 exist.
MCLG: Editing the HTML and Plain Text DDF files does not allow you to change the Convert to XHTML or Use Global Styles options
Look through the rest of the file for any sections that say "$10". Change anything that says "$10" to be "/".
MCLG: Creating and configuring an Oracle database instance for Collage with Oracle 9i or 10g
Create a tablespace with block size of 32k, and move all the tables containing large objects (CLOB and BLOB datatype) in this new tablespace. It would be better to have this tablespace layed on its own physical disks apart from the rest of the database.
MCLG: Local deploys are fine, but some characters are changed to ?? during SFTP deploys
This will allow you to change the language settings for Collage only without affecting the rest of your box. Once these are added, Collage will need to be restarted.
User’s Guide for Collage Contributor
* From the Scope field, specify the set of cells for which the current header cell is to provide header information. The options are: None (to omit the attribute), Row (to specify the rest of the row that the selected cell is in), or Column (to specify the rest of the column the selected cell is in).
Introduction to Serena Collage
1 Select the check box of the node that is the top level for the section of the site you wish to separate from the rest of the site. In the case of ABC Company below, the site architect selects the Product node.
Serena Collage Project Manager's Guide
Chapter 10 Deploying Assets to a Web Server intranet administrator, completes the following steps to automatically compile and deploy the JAR files, when he deploys the rest of the site: Step Action 1 From the Deploy | Setup view, he selects Custom Root, then clicks the New button to create a new custom root.