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CMS-XML General maintenance for slow deploys or hanging deploys or take longer than usual in the initializing stage.
General maintenance for slow deploys or hanging deploys or take longer than usual in the initializing stage.
CMS-XML MCLG: Editing the HTML and Plain Text DDF files does not allow you to change the Convert to XHTML or Use Global Styles options
MCLG: Editing the HTML and Plain Text DDF files does not allow you to change the Convert to XHTML or Use Global Styles options
CMS-XML MCLG: How to setup a preview masterpage
If a masterpage has a lot of component code or is very complex, previewing pages may be very slow . To help with this problem, you can create simplified masterpages that use static content to simulate what the normal deploy masterpage looks like but without actually using components. These simplified masterpages (called a "preview masterpage") can be assigned to the normal masterpages (called a "deploy masterpage").
CMS-XML MCLG: Tips for improving deploy performance on Oracle projects
When running a deploy, temporary tables are created, several queries are run to populate the tables, and many other queries are run as needed too. All of this database activity (although necessary to generate the correct results) can cause deploys to run slow , if Oracle is not configured optimally. This document will talk about the settings that will specifically help deploy performance.
CMS-XML MCLG: Hot fix: Deploy performance, IE lockup, LDAP with multi-domain configuration fixes.
When there is a large amount of deploy history (as seen on the Deploy | History screen), individual asset deploys, folder deploys, and changed asset deploys generate assets much slower than a full deploy. The performance for these types of deploys have been improved.
CMS-XML MCLG: 5.1.2+ Verify Links reports some links as bad, even when they are not bad.
One symptom of this problem is that a link will be reported as bad during one Verify Link activity and then reported as valid during the next Verify Link activity. This is a sign that sometimes the link comes back faster and sometimes slower . In Collage 5.1.2 and later, a timeout option can be added to the file.
CMS-XML MCLG: Improving performance for individual and changed asset deploys
Remember, this screen only shows the history for one map at a time, so you would need to delete the history from each map individually. The disadvantage is that the delete on this screen is very slow . It would not be uncommon for a delete to take up to 48 hours to complete.
CMS-XML MCLG: Tips for building an AssetQuery
The problem is that these types of AssetQuery run very slow (see Tip 1). I
CMS-XML MCLG: AllowedFilterHTMLTags.xml file in Collage 5.1.2+ allows for better control over "Filter HTML" option.
This file is used in conjunction with the appropriate DDF and the Global DDF (if the Global DDF is being used by this DDF) to determine the complete list is tags and attributes that should be allowed.
CMS-XML MCLG: Creating and configuring an Oracle database instance for Collage with Oracle 9i or 10g
use the pga_aggregate_target to set the global sort area set pga_aggregate_target
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Title: Dimensions CM: Deploying Emergency Fixes (demonstration)
This demonstration shows you how to deploy an emergency fix to a live production environment in Dimensions CM. You will learn how to promote requests to any stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, promote and deploy in the same operation, and browse deployment areas.
Title: Dimensions CM: Deploying Requests (demonstration)
This demonstration shows you how to deploy requests in Dimensions CM. You will learn how to promote requests to the next stage in the Global Stage Lifecycle, deploy requests by
Title: Dimensions CM: Scheduling Deployment (demonstration)
This demonstration shows you how to schedule a deployment in Dimensions CM. You will learn how to set a deployment sequence, schedule a deployment, and use the Queue tab in the Deployment view

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