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PDF Introduction to Serena Collage
... functionality, or authentication . ... inactive tasks 57 Inbox displaying 259 using ... ... it 118 UI for defining 59 structured writing 173 styles, applying 198, 200 stylesheets, using with content contribution 200 submit buttons, adding to forms 216 sub-views about 47 Activities 73 All Structures 59 Contribution 70 Deploy Folders 65 Deploy Setup 76 Inbox 51 Metadata 86 Project Contribution 82 Schedule 74 Task Templates 58 Tasks 56 Work Cabinet 67 supported authoring tools 116 system
CMS-XML MCLG: What is the default administrator login ID when using LDAP authentication?
MCLG: What is the default administrator login ID when using LDAP authentication ?
CMS-XML MCLG: How to authenticate users against a Windows NT domain for single sign-on
MCLG: How to authenticate users against a Windows NT domain for single sign-on
CMS-XML MCLG: Automatically log users into Collage from a web page and open their task inbox
MCLG: Automatically log users into Collage from a web page and open their task inbox
CMS-XML MCLG: How to turn on LDAP authentication after installing Collage with non-LDAP authentication
MCLG: How to turn on LDAP authentication after installing Collage with non-LDAP authentication
CMS-XML MCLG 5.1.1: "SQL error: Authentication violation" error when rebuilding Sybase projects.
MCLG 5.1.1: "SQL error: Authentication violation" error when rebuilding Sybase projects.
CMS-XML MCLG: Troubleshooting and configuration tips for setting up LDAP/Active Directory
LDAP is a very flexible authentication tool. Because LDAP servers can be configured many different ways, sometimes setting up Collage to use your LDAP configuration is tricky. This document is designed to give tips and troubleshooting advice for anyone setting up Collage with LDAP/Active Directory.
CMS-XML MCLG: "Could not delete asset. Could not delete task. Tasks that have not ended yet cannot be deleted. Please end the task before attempting this type of operation"
On the Reject screen, you can choose the option for "Discard task". This basically tells Collage "never mind, I didn't want this task". The task will then be removed from you inbox , and is no longer an active task.
CMS-XML MCLG: Hot fix: Deploy performance, IE lockup, LDAP with multi-domain configuration fixes.
Logging into Collage using Active Directory authentication with a multi-domain configuration, gives the following error in the Tomcat log: LdapContextManager -> authenticateUSer() userDN
CMS-XML MCLG: Hot fix: SSL for Contribution, LDAP SSL, paste from Word
(DEF90408) When you use Collage with LDAP SSL, Collage does not use the SSL connection exclusively to contact the LDAP server. When you first log in, Collage contacts the LDAP server via SSL to authenticate you. However, if you then display the System | Users and Groups view, Collage Contacts the LDAP server again in order to load the user and group
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