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MCLG: Automatically log users into Collage from a web page and open their task inbox
The attached HTML pages will log a user into Collage. These samples can be used as a basis for your own page. Before using the code, be sure to modify the VALUES in the INPUT lines as well as the action URL in the FORM with the correct connection and login information.
MCLG: Automatically log users into Collage from a web page and open an existing task
The attached HTML pages will log a user into Collage. These samples can be used as a basis for your own page. Before using the code, be sure to modify the VALUES in the INPUT lines as well as the action URL in the FORM with the correct connection and login information.
MCLG: Hot fix: Extra javascript events added on save, stylesheet links being added above DTD, forced to login again when js paths are outside scope of project.
(DEF140307) The link stylesheets used in Collage are getting displayed above the DTD's in IE causing the strict styles specified by the customer to fail. (DEF111832) The Document types specified for the editor pages by the customer are getting ignored and Collage is hard coding its own DTD in the edit view. (DEF131411) In Collage if we use our own javscripts specifying a path that point outside the scope of the project then the UI hangs throwing an exception.
MCLG: How to setup dynamic preview for ASP, ASPX, PHP, CFM pages
: The Collage server caches the cookie sent by the application server and reuses it for every request to that application server from that Collage client session. If the cookie needs to be reset, re- login to Collage.
Log into Collage
This page will allow you to log into Collage without entering any login information.
Serena® Collage® Version 5.1.3 Readme File
4.3 Collage Contributor Issues Language and Regional Display : Login page Automatically Open Project
Serena Collage Installation and Setup Guide
Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed to view the manuals. To view the manuals, from the Collage Login page : 1 Click the down arrow icon on the bottom right.
Serena Collage Components User's Guide
To set up component integration: 1 In your internet browser, open the following location to display the Collage login page : http://Collageservername/servlet
Introduction to Serena Collage
The Collage Contributor Web client is included with every Collage installation. To access it, users simply need to choose to log in to it from the Collage login page , or switch to Contributor from the Collage Classic client. See Chapter 4, "How to Log In to a Project".
MCLG: How to authenticate users against a Windows NT domain for single sign-on
Set the value to your login domain "<domain><divider>*" or "*<divider><domain>". Examples: "serena\*" or " *@serena.com ... As an example, you may set this to the company intranet page : ... Because of this, users must still be created with the same user names in Collage as the NT user accounts used to login to the network, and given permissions within Collage just as you would without single sign-on setup.