Currently we appear to support these variables in Client Pack for audit but not in other functions. Looking at the XML Services User’s Guide it appears that these variables can be passed to the following functions:
The ChangeMan ZMF for Eclipse (ZMF4ECL) Installation and Configuration Guide currently documents how the plug-in can be installed by users into their own environment. However, some customers wish to automate this process via batch or installation script. How can this be achieved?
The ZDDOPTS section in both the ZMF4ECL Installation Guide and the ZDD Server Installation Guide states that validation="NUMBER" is a valid criteria. However, this fails in both ZDD and ZMF4ECL. The correct value is “NUMERIC” and not “NUMBER”.
We'd like to give notice of an issue relating to migration of ZDD 6.1.2 to ZDD 7.1 (x86) which may result in an inconsistent ChangeMan ZDD configuration and the need of manual configuration steps on each client after rollout or a bluescreen if COM automation is used.
When package information is changed in ISPF ZMF the changed data is not reflected in the "Package Properties" dialog on the ZMF4ECL client, unless a manual 'refresh' is performed first.
A customer has enabled HLLX point PCRE0001 to preset the createMethod field to ‘Long’ and this works with the desired effect in ISPF. However, in ZDD the ‘Create Package’ wizard is still invoked with the ‘No package decription’ (sic) and ‘No implementation instructions ’ fields selected. This is inconsistent with the ISPF ‘Long’ package creation method.
value of 00037 will be assigned. See the Installation Guide for further information on the CCSID/LCLCCSID parameters. The following step varies depending on customer configuration.