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CMS-XML ERO Email notification not sent
ERO Email notification not sent
CMS-XML Post Approval notification is incorrect when using EMAIL method
When an unplanned package is created and you have more than one post approval notification level using EMAIL as the notification vehicle, the first level post approval email notification is correct and looks like this: Package: TEST000769 Title: TEST
CMS-XML Not all Batch Approval notifications sent if ECP is used for prior approval level
If you have your first level of Planned Approvals defined to use SERNET so you receive an email from ECP when the package is frozen, and also have at least two different Batch Approval notifications for your level two approvals, when you approve the first level via ECP, not all the Batch Notifications for level two approvals are sent (only one is sent). In the JESMSGLG for your Started Task and you will see the following for each Batch Notification that is not sent:
CMS-XML CMNSMTP does not generate MIME headers correctly so they show up in the email
When you use the SAMPLE member CMNSMTP REXX exec to send notification emails , the MIME headers added by the REXX exec are showing up in the email The following lines appear at the beginning of the email : Mime-Version 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed
CMS-XML How to setup an integration between ChangeMan ZMF and SBM
Most ZMF actions are available, for example, promote, freeze, approve install, backout, etc. Also, ZMF will be able to send event notifications to SBM . Then, SBM will listen for those events and act on them.
CMS-XML Mainframe Connector Extensions: Mainframe Configuration for accessing ChangeMan ZMF from SBM
Configure the NTFYURL; this is the URL SBM uses to send information to SERNET through the server. See Configuring the Notification URL and the related topic, ChangeMan ZMF Event Handling .
CMS-XML SBM: Rest Grid connecting to ZMF Connector returns error 500
CMNX004I CMNENTFY Port: IP Address: CMNX000I CMNENTFY Error - Port or IP address not found CMNX000I CMNENTFY Error - Event Notification Task Exiting
CMS-XML How to install setup the ZMF Connector to communicate with SBM using SSL (SBM and ZMF Connector on same server)
(by default: C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\9.0\webapps\almzmfalf\WEB-INF\conf) file to give the correct URL to SBM. Update the two lines as below: RLC_ NOTIFICATION _URL=http\://localhost\:8085/rlc/ notification /zmf Should be (port 8243 for Tomcat or port 443 if Configurator is setup to proxy everything through IIS):
CMS-XML Unable to send SERNET notification messages through ChangeXpress
If you set up to notify by e-mail through ChangeXpress, the e-mail is not generated. Instead there is an error message in the JESMSGLG:
CMS-XML ISPF variables missing values when post-approval uses BATCH for the notification vehicle
Customer is getting two or three instances a week of e/ mails notifications for post approvals failing to be delivered because the package creator (PCRTID) is low values (missing) and so an invalid e/ mail address is being created.
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