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SBM: How to Troubleshoot a SBM to ZMF integration (Turning on ZMF trace logging)
/f taskname,NT,OFF,U=*,TRACESIZE=32500 Step 5: ZMF Connector sends communications back to SBM Event Manager The location of the event manager is configured in the C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\common\tomcat\8.0\webapps\almzmfalf\WEB-INF\conf\zmfalf_resource.properties file in the property called SBM_ALF_EVENTMANAGERURL.
Information on MIM
MIM = Multi-image Manager ... by enabling multiple-image sites to share data center resources across as many as 32 system images. ... They would not share package master, logs , staging libraries or baseline datasets between Change Man regions.
Invalid SEREX006 MSGS dataset allocation attempted
Approver: Project Manager ... SER9660E Dynalloc of existing log dataset failed; S99ERROR=0000000C S99INFO=035C0002 DSN=CMNSUP.SERENA.NWK.CMNZ.USERA;US.MSGS
Log onto CMN 4.1.6 and Primary Option panel indicates 5.1.0
Both Change Man 5.1.0 and 4.1.6 started tasks exist on the system . When logging on to the 4.1.6 started task, the primary options menu indicates 5.1.0 at the top of the panel.
CLEARLOG ends with RC=12 for minimally used ZMF systems
In ZMF 7.1.3, the supplied CLEARLOG job which backs-up and maintains CMNLOG data was changed to allow data to be retained in the active log file. It now runs a rexx exec that generates an IDCAMS REPRO command that ensures only log records created after a certain date are retained in the log file.
Production Changeman ZMF locking up on most functions (F1, compile, view log etc.)
684 SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=0C4 REASON CODE=00000004 684 TIME=18.55.15 SEQ=56896 CPU=0000 ASID=0148 684 PSW AT TIME OF ERROR 078D1000 A05B445C ILC 4 INTC 04
ZMF Plugin: Tomcat localhost.log gives error "java.net.UnknownHostException: ?xxxxx"
If you look at the error carefully, there is a "?" in from the IP Address (or host name). In this situation, that was because the system had an invisible special character in the field. This character was being treated as part of the host name and makes the host name invalid.
ZMF v7.1.1 - Browse Activity Log Lock-up on Exit from Panel CMNLOGEX
3/End to exit CMNLOGDS panel - back to CMNLOGEX panel 8. PF3/End to exit CMNLOGEX panel 9. X SYSTEM in the status bar 1 0. TSO session locked until ATTN key pressed.
ZMF Plugin: rlc.log gives error "java.net.UnknownHostException: xxxxx"
CAUTION: Avoid using Copy/Paste from a system that may contain special characters such as Word, Excel, or email. Click Update Configuration.
Log file problems in CMN416
Log file problems in CMN416