c) X'7B' (hash) However; when you want to save a member which starts with one of these special characters after editing it ZDD issues one of the following messages: "Serena Network - missing or invalid file name"
When logging onto Citrix in single-application mode rather than full-desktop mode, ZosNet is not automatically started. This causes a "Network connection does not exist." error if the application attempts to use ZDD functionality.
2. Create a PDS license file. There is JCL to do this (LICALLOC) but it can also be done in ISPF 3.2. The attributes are RECFM=VB, LRECL=259 and it can be a PDSE but doesn't need to be.
Package Users Options are not greyed out and will accept input, when Override Component History check box is NOT checked on the first screen. Any options changed are NOT subsequently passed on to file tailoring.
f you right clicks on component in question, this will determine which editor comes up first in the list. That is the default editor as determined by WD4ECL.
When you code BuildProc and set the default to a valid Build Proc in the ZDDOPTS BUILD member, ZDD does not honour this value and uses the first in the List i.e CMNASM.
In ZDD 6.1.1 when you issue the "SubmitJcl" function for a JCL member in a ZMF package it only submits the first instance and subsequent submits do not get submitted. Also there is no notification back so say the JCL has been submitted. To recreate the issue you need to carry out the following steps:
When you code Db2Subsystem and set the defaults to a valid DB2 Subsystem in the ZDDOPTS BUILD member, ZDD does not honour this value and uses the first in the List. <?xml version="1.0"?> <options name="BUILD">