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SSM823: Member RESTORE gets JCL error when specifying BLK for new recovery DSN.
(Optional) Data Set Name: ===> 'some.dataset.name2' -- NEW ALLOCATION MAY BE SPECIFIED FOR BATCH RECOVERY ONLY -- (NEW) DASD Unit ===> SYSDA (SYSDA,SYSALLDA...)
SSM821: False HPS0012E msg. during FGPing, for a migrated DSN
I get the following message when a data set is in migrate status. The data set was not "not cataloged", just migrated. I didn't have any AUTORECALL parm specified , so shouldn't it just be bypassed during the fingerprinting process, with a warning message generated?
SSM832 Problem with the VOL parameter specification in the DELETEDS batch command
Customer reported a problem with the VOL parameter to the DELETEDS command. The last VOL specification used is not cleared before the next command, so it ends up using the wrong VOLSER when the VOL command is specified after the DSN . Unfortunately, this is how the command is generated.
MLS does not honor TSO ID access list (Internal Method).
Specify an explicit DSN, and a member name or pattern ending with an *. A member pattern of "*" will protect all the members in the specified DSN . RTORACFID: YES RTOCLASS: £SSMQA
HPS0104E HPSTRACK PUT FAILURE in SM R15 = 8 R0 = 26 STAT/FDBK = x'1D080014' rc=0104
See previous message for the cause of this failure. HPS1385W HPSTRACK 10:46:34 No new DSNs tracked from specified parameters. 0 were previously defined.
SSM830: Over-ridings HPSPARMS sitemaster/objectmaster/deltamaster database names.
What about a valid override, but a ( specified ) DS not found (e.g. typographical error in DSN )? RC=100, job ends, same as bad dsname supplied in HPSPARMS itself.
ChangeMan SSM abends with s213-04 during startup in RACF environment
The abends appear to occur when SSM attempts to reference files that are defined by DSN and VOLSER, however the datasets are not on the DASD volume. ... volume (the volume indexed by the volume sequence number) specified by ... Dsn : SYS1.EMC.EZSM.LINKLIB
Invalid IEC161I 006-0122 message against Site Master.
In all HPS-programs the customer uses the same HPSPLIB DD card which points to DSN =SEXTON.DR.PARMLIB(HPSPARMS). In this member they have specified RLS=YES, so they didn't switch the RLS mode during the day and we see at this point no setup failure on our site.
NEWMEM\NEWNAME cannot be abbreviated in the RECOVER command.
Subparameter values must be completely specified on a single line. Multiple subparameter values can be specified on separate, consecutive lines. ... -7 " DSN =AAAAAA.JCL.SSM3.CNTL)
Syntax error while using COMP option in Data Extract.
Specify the TEXT file and Fingerprint: Flat file DSN ===> 'AKASSIM.TEST.FLAT1' Fingerprint DSN ===> 'STRQA.SSM.TEST.FGP1' Specify Reporting Options and the JCL member name: ... //JOBLIB DD DISP=SHR, DSN =STRQA.OCT28.CMNSSM.V8R2M3.LOAD // DD DISP=SHR, DSN =STRQA.OCT26.SERCOMC.V5R4M10.LOAD