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How to limit a memory usage of Serena Web Server?
How to limit a memory usage of Serena Web Server?
vcs_make -> Failed to allocate memory for dependency node.
vcs_make -> Failed to allocate memory for dependency node.
Not enough memory error when starting vcs_agent on OS/390 USS
Not enough memory error when starting vcs_agent on OS/390 USS
Memory Exception - Failed to add IP Address to array, was not found.
Memory Exception - Failed to add IP Address to array, was not found.
Comparing files and selecting print preview results in the 'eChangeDiff.exe' generates memory errors
Comparing files and selecting print preview results in the 'eChangeDiff.exe' generates memory errors
eDiff:eChangeDiff.exe - application error
The instruction at '0xnnnnnnnn'. The memory could not be 'written'. Click on OK to terminate the program .
Are Serena products affected by the OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug?
In response to the security flaw found in OpenSSL, known as the Heartbleed Bug (CVE-2014-0160), Serena has analyzed our software to determine if any are vulnerable to this bug. The nature of the bug is such that secure connections to a server are vulnerable to potential bleeding of somewhat random server memory into a response to a client. See heartbleed.com for full details.
eChangeDiff.exe Icons Not Displayed When Print Preview Selected
If you select two files to do a comparison against and then select "Print Preview", the icons are not displayed, from a Win2000 SP4 system, the next time you try to use eChangeDiff.exe, a memory error may be displayed when closing the diff screen. On a Win2000 SP3 machine, a message may be displayed stating the following:
Problem with build user id when running makes in eChange Man
you get the message LOGNAME: readonly variable (from memory , this is also the case with AIX)
Fix Log for version 5.7.0
Does Not Display Correct Value Audit Trail- Audit Trail does not show history for a specific file. Audit Trail- Version numbers are limited to 10,000 Build Mngmt- Inconsistent access to Make Procedure check box Build Mngmt- Starting build using cmnmake command produces an error Build Mngmt- Executing a build produces message: "vcs_make -> Failed to allocate memory for dependency node" Build Mngmt- "Failed to allocate memory for dependency node" error during Build Build Mngmt- Unable to