On Windows remote build servers only, you must install the mlclient_remote.dll patch in order to resolve a problem with consuming remote build server licenses. This patch should be applied only to a remote build server.
You might have to manually download the appropriate Plug-In from one of the links below: AIX: http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/dka/dka-p HP-UX: http://www.hp.com/products1/unix/java/java2/jpi SUN/ Windows /Linux: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.1/download.html
After successfully registering and configuring your License Server to contain Merant Build Named Licenses your Merant Build "Openmake" service may not start. When attempting to start the "OpenMake" service through the Windows Services window you will see that the Service starts and immediately stops.
Yes, the SLM server can be configured to append data to the log file instead of recreating it on (re)start. If the Serena License Server is running on Windows When running as an application, change the file
Locate the ConsolidatedLicenseFile.lic and copy it to the Serena License Manager installation directory. The default location on a Windows -based system is “C:\Program Files\Serena\License Manager” or may be C:\Program Files (x86)\Serena\License Manager if the OS is a 64-bit system. For a UNIX/Linux system, look first for /usr/serena/license_manager. When installed, someone may have