Introduction 204 Application Setup for Audit Report Libraries 207 Controlling Audit Reports by Application with Skeleton Release Variables 209 Customizing the Audit Report Batch Job 211 HTML Report Converter RPT2HTML 215 Installation and Configuration Guide 203 Appendix B ZMF Audit Report Storage for ARM
A customer is attempting to group together multiple ZMF requests in a single session /set of requests. When they attempt to use the login service: 1. The sectoken tag is shown as optional.
The RLM HTTP Server is a Java based solution that provides ZMF and Z/OS services to RLM clients. It is distributed as 5 war files and may be installed and configured on any Java Servlet Container such as Tomcat or WebSphere. The 5 Servlet names and a general description are listed below:
When installing ARM 1.1 for the first time or configuring a new ARM environment, Section 5 - Setting Up a Release Calendar (Page 54 of the ARM 1.1 Getting Started Guide) needs to be executed before Section 4 - Configure and Redeploy Release Package (Page 39). Failure to do so will result in various errors being encountered attempting to redeploy the Release Package mashup
The ZMF application Audit Level must be taken into account within orchestration workflows that test the audit job return code. Right now, ARM only accepts a return code of 0 or 4 as valid - in effect ignoring the customer's configuration in ZMF.
Self-service Provisioning and Deployment Overview The automation of the steps is done through pre- configured Serena Release Manager automation deployment tasks and Serena Release Automation process and plug-in configuration . NOTE Serena Request Center is sold separately from the Serena Release Manager suite.
IMPORTANT! Before installing ARM, you must have previously installed ARM 1.1. It is not necessary to configure ARM 1.1 before installing ARM; just the installation must be performed. After you install ARM, you must perform the complete configuration process even if you previously configured ARM 1.1.
To change the default SBM SSO behavior, modify the configuration.xml in the following ways. After modification, the user will only be allowed into any product that also contains the authenticated user. Configuration.xml can be found in jboss405\server\default\deploy\tokenservice.war\web-inf\ conf