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Installing ZMF4ECL in batch or via script
Installing ZMF 4ECL in batch or via script
‘Invalid command.’ error issued in ZMF install FTP script
‘Invalid command.’ error issued in ZMF install FTP script
How to install setup the ZMF Connector to communicate with SBM using SSL (SBM and ZMF Connector on same server)
The ZMF Connector (sometimes called ALM Connector) is used to Integration ChangeMan ZMF with SBM or Release Control (RLC). In some situations, you may want this connection between SBM/RLC and the ZMF Connector to be done over a secure SSL connection. This document contains the steps for this setup.
Installation error during TT4ZMF Installation
Installation error during TT4 ZMF Installation
RLC: For one application, one installation site is missing when using the ZMF Plugin
In ZMF , there may be several installation sites setup for a specific Application. However, only some of the those sites are available as options in Release Control.
How to configure one-way and two-way SSL for Release Control and ZMF Connector
Full support of two-way SSL is implemented in ZMF Connector 6.1. If you use two-way SSL with ZMF Connector 6.0, you won't be able to promote, demote, or audit from Release Control.
How to setup an integration between ChangeMan ZMF and SBM
STEP 1: License key To enable the ZMF functionality, you must have the correct license key installed on ZMF . ZMF started task must have RLM=YES in the parmlib
Installing ECP 3.2.1 Maintenance Release 2 Under Windows 2003
* Corrected a problem that allowed ChangeMan DS packages to be prematurely approved, installed, and baselined prior to all approvals being issued for ChangeMan ZMF packages. Formerly, the only workaround was to schedule an install date for ChangeMan DS packages that was later than the install date for ChangeMan ZMF packages.
Serena Changeman Builder 6.41.1 Documentation included from the Serena PVCS Version Manager Installation
The Serena PVCS Version Manager documentation 8.1.4.x includes two documents not provided with the Serena Changeman Builder 6.41.1 that are of great value to Builder users. These documents are: Changeman Builder Readme
RLC: ZMF Plugin gives error "CMN1057A - Install date passed. Current time is YYYMMDD at SITE ."
When user is creating a new ZMF Change Package from within an RLC Release Package task, the user get the following error: