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Importing a blueprint allows database name to be changed
Per the SBM Composer Guide - The following list describes the items that are locked after a process app is published:
KM-Dim9:11956-DBA_CANT_ENCRYPT_PWD Unable to encrypt database name %s to form password
Please gather any applicable information from the list below and contact Dimensions Support for help with this error message. What you need to troubleshoot:
DimCM: SQL Server: Query to provide a list of all the indexes for a Dimensions basedb (schema) for SQL Server
ORDER BY o.name, i.type -- where < basedb > is the base database name , in all caps. This will create a list of all indexes for all tables in Dimensions CM base database, sorted by table name.
KM-Dim7: 11929-Information: Unable to determine the User ID who owns database NAME>
and pcms_db != '*'; From this list you can then submit commands like: SQL> grant <basedb>_user to <userdb>;
TRK INET: When Logging into the Tracker Inet Configuration Page, the list that usually shows the Database Types gives a list of Database Drivers and 'not available' DSN Descriptions.
There are subkeys for each of the System Data Sources Names that are created. These will usually be labeled:
DimCM: Pulse: Database upgrade fails 'Missing IN or OUT parameter at index:: 2' if any product has a default review check list
Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'databaseSchemaUpgrade' defined in URL [jar:file:/C:/Program%20Files/Micro%20Focus/common/tomcat/8.5/webapps/pulse/WEB-INF/lib/platform-dbschema-14.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/starlight/app-components.xml]:
12.2 : new projects aren't shown in the selection list of project when adding build configuration with a upgraded db
if not objectexists("view", "BLD_PROJECT") create or replace view &SCHEMA..BLD_PROJECT(PROJECT_ID, PROJECT_ NAME , PROJECT_DESCRIPTION) as SELECT
KM-Dim7: I have deleted my database but when I list the users the user is still there.
SQL> drop user <USERNAME> cascade; SQL> delete from users_profile where user_ name = '<USER_ NAME >';
XML tag error in CMN100 REXX causes output to omit DB2 logical name on report
In the CMN100 REXX code when services DB 2ADMIN APL_ACTV LIST and DB 2ADMIN APL_LOGL LIST are run they reference incorrectly tag <logicalName>. Because of this the 'Logical Name' in the 'DB2 Active Library Information' section of the report is blank as is the 'DB2 Logical Name' in the 'DB2 Logical System Information' section of the report. Note: similar problem exists in the CMN990 REXX code.
S0C1 during ISPF : DB2: Create a List of DB2 Tables.
Source for display ===> DB2 (type-in, "D":"DB2" or "T":"TABLE") Subsystem name ===> ED (Current Subsystem, or may change!) Creator name or mask ===> I0 (type-in, creator name or masked..)